Map of Wisconsin showing a dozen pinpoints around the state.

An interactive map of Knowles-Nelson grants

Explore how Knowles-Nelson funds have been invested in your community.

Curious how the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship program has made a difference in your community? Use this map to have a look! The map below shows most Knowles-Nelson grants awarded to nonprofits and local governments as well as land acquisitions made by the DNR. It does not show investments made to improve DNR properties, which are substantial. We hope we can share that information soon.

After you’ve explored the map, please take a moment and tell your legislators that the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program is vital for you and your community!

The map is best viewed on a computer in a full screen window. It’s embedded below, but to see it at it’s best, click here to open the map in a new window. Please note, it works on mobile, but it may be a bit confusing to navigate.



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